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Current Update

The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique

Oct 20, 2021

In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...

Previous Updates

When a custodial suspect says, 'I don't want to give up any right, though, if I don't got no lawyer.' must the interrogator stop?

Apr 26, 2007

In the case of State v. Gobert, the Texas Court of Appeals upheld the trial court's conclusion that this was an unequivocal invocation of the right to counsel:

"At issue is...

Subject Interview Sheets now available for Reid Institute Members

Apr 25, 2007

As a member of the Reid Institute you can download a copy of our Subject Interview Sheet as often as you need to at no charge.

Continued exhortations to tell the truth and references to religious beliefs do not render a confession inadmissible

Apr 21, 2007

In the case of State v. Blank, the Supreme Court of Louisiana relied on the videotape of the interrogation to uphold the admissibility of a confession the defendant claimed was coerced as...

Offer to work with police in exchange for favorable recommendation to prosecutor upheld

Apr 18, 2007

In the case of State v. Moore, the Washington Court of Appeals ruled that:

"Here, the trial court found that the offer to Moore (to work with the police in exchange for a...

Reminder to Reid Institute Members - New Canadian Law Column, April 2007

Apr 01, 2007

Available Reid Institute Members be sure to log on to the Members site and the Member's What's New column for "The level playing field": Admissible Inducement confession R.v. Spencer (2007) S.C.C...

Court Clarifies an Ambiguous Request for an Attorney

Mar 30, 2007

In the case Davis v. State, decided March 23, 2007 by the Texas Court of Appeals, the court examined the issue as to whether or not the defendant made an unambiguous request...

The Value of Video Recording an Interrogation

Mar 30, 2007

Here are three new cases that illustrate the value of recording an interrogation so that the court can effectively evaluate the claims made by a defendant on appeal:

In State v...

New Reid On-Line Product

Mar 18, 2007

To help investigators develop their interviewing and interrogation skills we have made all 5 of our audio training programs available on line (a $330 value) for an annual subscription fee of $65...

Georgia Supreme Court finds testimony on false confession theory not reliable

Mar 18, 2007

In the case of Crawford v State, the Georgia Court of Appeals held that the trial court did not abuse its discretion in refusing to allow expert testimony on the false confession...

Court of Appeals attempts to clarify what constitutes an implied promise of leniency

Mar 18, 2007

In the case of†State v Copley the Ohio†Court of Appeals ruled that the interrogator's statements to the†defendant that jail is not for everybody, that everybody deserves a second chance, and that counseling...

Trial Court's decision to refuse to allow defense expert to testify on the credibility of defendant's confession upheld

Mar 18, 2007

In the case of Flowers v State the Supreme Court of Arkansas upheld the admissibility of the defendant's confession, even though he claimed an IQ of 57-62, and upheld the trial court's...

US District Court upholds admissibility of incriminating statements†even though subterfuge was used as to the purpose of the interview

Mar 18, 2007

In the case of US v Rosen the US District Court, E.D. Virginia found that the incriminating statements made by the defendants were admissible even though the investigators misrepresented the reason for...

Reminder to Reid Institute Members - New Canadian Law Column, March 2007 Available

Mar 09, 2007

Reid Institute Members be sure to log on to the Members site and the Member's What's New column for False Reality - False Confessions R. v. Osmar (2007) (Ont. C.A.)

New Seminar: Investigating Computer Facilitated Crimes Against Children

Mar 01, 2007

The Internet has become the new schoolyard for child molesters seeking girls or boys to victimize. For 2007, Robert Hugh Farley presents an intensive training seminar that illustrates the growing problem of...

Does house arrest constitute custody for Miranda purposes?

Feb 27, 2007

In the case U.S. v Cano, Slip Copy, 2007 WL 496704, W.D.N.C., 2007 the United States District Court, North Carolina ruled that house arrest with electronic monitoring is not per se "custody"...

What constitutes a promise of leniency?

Feb 26, 2007

In a recent case, U.S. v Kasey, the US District Court D. Arizona examined the issue of what statements constitute a promise of leniency that would render a confession inadmissible. They found...

Supreme Court of California Upholds the Baiting Technique

Feb 18, 2007

In People v. Smith, the interrogating officers administered to the defendant a "Neutron Proton Negligence Intelligence Test" that pruportedly showed that the defendant had recently fired a gun. On appeal the defendant...

Court Dismisses Claim that Confession Should have been Suppressed

Feb 18, 2007

In reaching their decision to deny the motion to suppress the defendant's confession in the case US†v Jourdain, the court outlines acceptable interrogator behavior.† In their decision they state, "As our Court...

US District Court Upholds Confession of 16 year old Questioned Without Parent of Guardian Present

Feb 15, 2007

In the case of Woodham v Wilson and Hood, the US District Court, S.D. Mississippi found that a 16 year old's confession was admissible even though he was interrogated without a parent...

Reid Certification Examination Available on Line

Feb 01, 2007

We are very pleased to announce that effective February 1, 2007 the Reid Certification examination is available on-line. Please review the qualifications for certification click here - if you qualify please complete...