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Current Update
The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique
Oct 20, 2021
In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...
Previous Updates
Court Rejects Testimony of Dr. Richard Leo
Oct 16, 2007
In the case of People v. Rathbun the Court of Appeals, Second District, California rejected the testimony of Dr. Richard Leo, stating in part:
The court ruled that Dr. Leo would...
Court Upholds Confession from Interrogator Using The Reid Technique ñ Jury Rejects Dr. Ofshe Testimony
Oct 16, 2007
In the case of State v. Tapke the Court of Appeals of Ohio upheld the defendant's confession which was obtained by an officer who was trained in The Reid Technique. Dr. Richard...
Legal Updates for October 2007
Oct 16, 2007
We have prepared a Legal Update that reviews a number of different court decisions that impact on a variety of issues concerning confession admissibility, expert witnesses and interrogation practices
Value of Reid Training
Oct 15, 2007
Throughout the year we receive feedback from†hundreds of our seminar graduates on the value of attending our seminar on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation - here are two recent ones:
Jeffrey Deskovic was wrongfully convicted of murder. During the investigation Mr. Deskovic gave a false confession. The Westchester County (NY) District Attorney's office did an analysis of what went wrong
Oct 15, 2007
In part the report states as follows:
Police and Prosecutorial Tunnel Vision - The police focused too early on Deskovic as their prime suspect due, in part, to an inaccurate NYPD...
Reid Institute Members - The new Canadian Column is available on the Members What's New page ñ it is entitled, ìFrontline Interrogations: Solving the ëmere suspicion bindí
Oct 15, 2007
In the case of R.†v.†L.B. (2007) Ont. C.A. Gino Arcaro writes:
The best way to introduce and summarize this case is to quote the Ontario Court of Appeal in the judgment...
Forensic Interviewing for Attorneys
Aug 13, 2007
In conjunction with the Lawyer's Institute of Forensic Interviewing John E. Reid and Associates now offers to attorneys a continuing education program in advocacy which adapts non-coercive criminal interrogation methods for the...
Reid Institute Members - The June and July Canadian Columns: Right to Counsel: making a "fresh start" - Parts 2 and 3 R.v. Lewis (2007) (Ont. C.A.) are on the Members Whats New page
Aug 13, 2007
The June column is Part 2 of a three-part series that examines the growing frequency of pre-consultation and post-consultation interrogations and statements. Specifically, this case applies the interrogation "fresh start" concept that...
Massachusetts Supreme Court finds Dr. Saul Kassin testimony inadmissible
Aug 12, 2007
In the case of Commonwealth v. Robinson, the Massachusetts Supreme Court upheld the trial court's decision to reject the testimony of Dr. Saul Kassin. Quoting from the Supreme Court's opinion:
Defense experts on false confessions acknowledge lack of scientific foundation for their opinions.
Aug 12, 2007
In the case of Commonwealth v. Robinson, the Massachusetts Supreme Court upheld the trial court's decision to reject the testimony of Dr. Saul Kassin, because as the Supreme Court stated,
Update on Legal Cases - Update August, 2007
Aug 12, 2007
On a regular bases we will list under this link new legal decisions that address Miranda, confession voluntariness, false imprisonment, juvenile interrogations, expert witness that challenge police interrogation techniques, and many other...
Military Judge finds Dr. Ofshe theory regarding coervice interrogations was not based on rigorous scinetific analysis or even subject to scientific testing but was rather Dr. Osfhe's own subjective review of a group of particularly selected cases.
Aug 12, 2007
In the case of US v Wilson, the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Appeals upheld the trial judge's decision to exclude Dr. Richard Ofhe's testimony.
In their decision the Court of...
Testimonial for new Reid seminar - Investigating Use of Force for Field Supervisors
Jun 01, 2007
The Chief of Police from Roselle, IL, James R. Kruger, recently attended the "Investigating Use of Force for Field Supervisors" seminar and had high praise for the instructor, Chief Charles Gruber, and...
Researchers Continue to Get it Wrong
Jun 01, 2007
In the June, 2006 issue of , Dr. Aldert Vrij published an article entitled, "An Empirical Test of the Behaviour Analysis Interview." In this article Dr. Vrij (and colleagues) conducted a test...
Court did not err in excluding testimony of Allison D. Redlich, Ph. D. concerning confession voluntariness
Jun 01, 2007
In the case of Edmonds v. State, the Supreme Court of Mississippi upheld the Circuit Court's decision to exclude the testimony of Allison D. Redlich, Ph.D., "concerning involuntariness of confessions because, during...
Judge was reversed for not examining the voluntary nature of a confession
Jun 01, 2007
In the case of Commonwealth v. Miller, the Appeals Court of Massachusetts found that the trial judge committed reversible error for not conducting an evidentiary voir dire hearing re the voluntariness of...
Court upholds confession in which police lied about the incriminating evidence
Jun 01, 2007
In the case of People v Minniti the Illinois Appellate Court upheld a confession that resulted from an interrogation in which the police misrepresented the evidence against the suspect. "The defendant contends...
May Canadian Column: Right to Counsel: making a
Jun 01, 2007
I. The issue: split interrogation
On May 8, 2007, the Ontario Court of Appeal released a decision in R.v. Lewis (2007) that will be explain in a three-part series. The central...
New! - PoliceLink.com Partnership
May 05, 2007
As part of our continued commitment to officer safety and career advancement, John E. Reid & Associates has partnered with PoliceLink.com, the nation's law enforcement community, to provide training articles for all...
TV Station Does Story on Reid Seminar
Apr 26, 2007
'The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing for Child Abuse Investigations'
9-news in Syracuse NY reports how local police attend Reid training to step up their efforts to protect children after a music teacher...