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Current Update

The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique

Oct 20, 2021

In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...

Previous Updates

90% of responding agencies who record their interrogations find the recordings to be helpful

Jan 27, 2012

In January 2012 we included a survey question with our emails announcing the location of a Reid seminar - here are the results

Does your organization video or audio...

IACP model policy for recording interrogations

Jan 16, 2012

In an article by Beth Warren entitled, "States move to require recordings of homicide confessions" she reports that eighteen states require police to record interrogations, at least in homicide cases, and she...

Thank you for the most valuable tool in my cop toolbox

Jan 13, 2012

We recently received the following from a past participant:

"I recently retired from my department. Early in my career as a detective, and before the internet, I heard of your program...

Legal Updates Winter 2012

Jan 07, 2012

In our Legal Updates Winter 2012 column we feature cases that address the following issues:"Testimony of expert regarding interrogation techniques was irrelevant."Promise to keep the suspect's name out of the media will...

How A Teen's Coerced Confession Set Her Free

Jan 05, 2012

That is the title of a story NPR produced yesterday which focuses on the interrogation of a 16 year old mother on whether or not she killed her 13 month old son...

New 5th edition of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions now available

Jan 01, 2012

Criminal Interrogations and Confessions, Fifth Edition presents the Reid Technique of interviewing and interrogation and is the standard used in the field. This updated Fifth Edition presents interviewing and interrogation techniques...

The danger of feeding information to a suspect during an interrogation - Juan Rivera conviction overturned

Dec 12, 2011

One of the key guidelines that we teach in our courses and books is that the investigator should conceal details about the crime so that when a suspect confesses and provides those...

New York Times article of false confessions

Nov 30, 2011

On November 27, 2011 the New York Times published an extensive article on several false confession cases. The focus of the article is on several cases from Illinois involving subsequent DNA testing...

Canadian article critical of the Reid Technique - our response

Nov 30, 2011

On November 25, 2011 an article was written by Joseph Brean in the National Post on line newspaper in Canada, critical of the Reid Technique. Click here for the complete article -...

Legal Update Fall 2011

Oct 26, 2011

The fall 2011 legal updates include cases which address the following issues:Court rejects the proffered testimony of Professor Alan Hirsch; no basis to say the Reid Technique enhances the risk of unreliable...

Case clarifies United States Supreme Court decision in Garrity v. New Jersey

Oct 20, 2011

In the July, 2011 case of US v. Callahan, the US District Court. N.D. Georgia, provided a very detailed explanation of the US Supreme Court's decision in Garrity re the use of...

Does an interrogation that exceeds 6 hours mean that the resulting confession was coerced?

Oct 20, 2011

Dr. Richard Leo has espoused the position that interrogations that exceed 6 hours result in coerced confessions. The basis for this statement can be found in an article he co-authored with Steven...

Video presentation by Dr. Richad Leo in which he gives his description of the Reid Technique

Oct 12, 2011

On their website, The Innocence Legal Team, offers a video presentation by Dr. Richard Leo of his description of the Reid Technique (which he also calls the Reid Method). The presentation can...

Why Offenders Confess - new article published by Reid VP Louis Senese

Sep 19, 2011

In the October 2011 issue of Blue Line magazine (published in Canada), our company Vice President, Louis Senese, has published an article entitled, Why Offenders Confess. Here are some excerpts from the...

You Gentlemen truly are an important asset in the Global War on Terrorism.

Sep 12, 2011

To the Fine Gentlemen of John E. Reid & Associates,

I attended your Basic and Advanced Course in Anchorage, AK under the superb instructing abilities of Mr. Mike Adamec. His ability...

The International Investigative Interviewing Research Group founded in 2007

Sep 12, 2011

The International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) was founded at the University of Teesside in collaboration with the Norwegian Police University College, Oslo and later, with the Centre for Forensic Linguistics, Aston...

Sign up to receive our Newsletter and Investigator Tips

Sep 01, 2011

We publish a quarterly newsletter which typically features a number of legal updates, and every two months we publish an Investigator Tip. When these items are published we email them to all...

Delaware Health and Social Services extolls the benefits and value of Reid Training

Sep 01, 2011

In May of this year we presented our three day training program on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation for the Delaware Health and Social Services Division of Adult Protective Services...

Legal Update Summer 2011

Aug 01, 2011

The sumer 2011 legal updates includes cases which address the following issues:

The Supreme Court holds that a child's age properly informs the Miranda custody analysisElements to consider in determining a juvenile's ability...

Investigator Tip for July-August 2011 - What Exactly is the Reid Technique of Interrogation?

Jul 01, 2011

Part One

Despite the availability of specific information in books, training manuals and on our web site about the Reid Technique of interrogation, it is routinely mis-characterized. The following description from...