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Current Update
The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique
Oct 20, 2021
In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...
Previous Updates
CONVICTING THE INNOCENT Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong - a new book examining the issue of innocent people being wrongly convicted
Jun 01, 2011
In this new book written by Brandon Garrett, a law professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, explores the circumstances surrounding 250 wrongly convicted individuals exonerated by DNA. In 76%...
Court rejects the testimony of Professor Alan Hirsch - no evidence the Reid Technique produces false confessions
May 31, 2011
In the case of US v. Jacques, May 2011, the US District Court of Massachusetts rejected the proffered testimony of defense expert Professor Alan Hirsch on the issue of false confessions, stating...
New study demonstrates 97.9% accuracy for behavior provoking questions
May 17, 2011
In a new study out of Spain, researchers demonstrated the value of using behavior provoking questions during investigative interviews.
Participants were 85 students from the University of Spain. Thirty-five were...
Legal Updates Spring 2011
Apr 20, 2011
The Legal Updates for Spring 2011 include the following cases:No Federal due process requirement to record the interrogationPolice must tell suspect undergoing custodial interrogation when his attorney arrivesCourt rejects the testimony of...
UPDATE - What do the courts say about the testimony of false confession experts?
Apr 15, 2011
(On August 13, 2010 we posted the original article on this information. Since that time we have updated the list with some new names and cases).
For the past several years...
The suspect claims the police "softened him up" by acting friendly - was his confession coerced?
Apr 15, 2011
In the Reid Technique one of our central principles is to always treat the suspect with respect, and to express empathy and understanding towards the suspect's situation. In the case of Sanchez...
New organization of the cases in our Legal Updates by topics will make it easier for our readers to access
Mar 09, 2011
Over the past several years we have published Legal Updates on a variety of cases that deal with interrogation issues. We have recently categorized them by topic so as to make it...
Testimony on False Confessions to New York State Justice Task Force
Mar 09, 2011
In front of a New York State Justice Task Force subcommittee on false confessions, forensic psychiatrist Dr. Michael Welner testified to a stark lack of science informing the understanding of false confessions...
Winter 2011 Legal Update
Jan 20, 2011
The Winter 2011 Legal Update includes cases which address the following issues:Learning disability does not preclude a knowing waiver of the Miranda rightsCourt does not allow the testimony of Dr. Richard Leo...
New Reid training program now available
Jan 17, 2011
In order to meet the needs of those organizations and individuals who conduct investigative interviews but may not engage in any type of accusatory interrogation, John E. Reid and Associates has developed...
Book recognizes John E. Reid and Associates as the leader in interview and interrogation training
Jan 04, 2011
The book, Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment, Volume 20, by G. Daniel Lassiter, contains the following:
"...to be sure, many urban police have received general instruction in interrogation methods and the law...
Investigators Tip: Jan.Feb. 2011
Jan 01, 2011
One of the most controversial aspects of criminal interrogation involves the use of trickery and deceit. While Federal and State Supreme Courts routinely uphold confessions that were obtained from interrogations during which...
Model Bill for Electronic Recording of Custodial Interviews
Dec 29, 2010
In their 2009 article, "Recent Developments: The Consequences of Law Enforcement Officials' Failure to Record Custodial Interviews as Required by Law,' authors Thomas Sullivan and Andrew Vail offer a model bill for...
Reid graduates solve missing person case
Dec 23, 2010
Detective Thomas Martin and Detective Stefan Schindler from the Clayton County Police department in Georgia recently solved a missing person case using the Reid Technique. As Detective Martin said in an email...
New Canadian column discusses the Right to Silence
Dec 23, 2010
Right to Silence versus The Caution - The mystery by Gino Arcaro M.Ed., B.Sc.
Here's an open-book test: Find the phrase "Right to Silence" in a Canadian statute.Where is the phrase...
Fall Legal Updates 2010
Dec 02, 2010
The Legal Update for Fall 2010 features 22 cases which address such issues as:Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the trial court should have allowed false confession expert Dr. Solomon Fulero to testifyCourt...
Canada will not adopt the American rule-book on Miranda Rights.
Nov 23, 2010
In a new column for our Members only page Gino Arcaro has written an article on several significant Canadian Supreme Court decisions. Gino's article is entitled, Oct. 8, 2010 - Landmark Decision...
New York Magazine article on a false confession case solved with the help of John E. Reid and Associates
Oct 04, 2010
In an article entitled, "I Did It' Why do people confess to crimes they didn't commit?" the author details the case of Frank Sterling who falsely confessed to the murder of Viola...
What do the courts say about the testimony of false confession experts?
Aug 13, 2010
For the past several years the courts have viewed with skepticism the testimony of "false confession experts", repeatedly suggesting that there is no actual science to support their views but rather, anecdotal...
Detection of Deception: Research vs. Reality
Aug 09, 2010
Over the years researchers in the academic community have conducted a number of research studies on an investigator's ability to detect deception; more specifically these studies have attempted to determine if the...