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Current Update
The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique
Oct 20, 2021
In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...
Previous Updates
Correcting a Reporter
Oct 07, 2021
The online publication, syracuse.com, on October 6, 2021 printed a story entitled “Police lies, a botched investigation and a homicide confession: “I’m going to jail for something I didn’t do” in which...
How Courts View the Reid Technique
Sep 20, 2021
The key elements of the Reid Technique include conducting a non-accusatory, non-confrontational fact finding interview with the subject, and only when the investigation, evidence and information indicate the subject's probable involvement n...
Helping a Reporter Understand the Reid Technique
Aug 18, 2021
Dear Mr. Ciaramella,
In your recent article entitled, “States Are Finally Starting To Rein in Deceptive Police Interrogation Techniques That Lead to False Confessions” you clearly misrepresent the Reid Technique. You stated...
Thank You Law Enforcement
Aug 10, 2021
Over the last 7 decades John E. Reid and Associates has developed a very
strong relationship with the law enforcement community. As an
expression of our appreciation for all of...
A Description of the Reid Technique
Aug 05, 2021
Oftentimes the Reid Technique is simply referenced in the context of an interrogation process, when, in fact, it is much more. On our YouTube channel we have a video presentation describing the...
Reid response to recent article
Jun 28, 2021
Dear Emma Ockerman,
In your recently published article, "How Cops Lie to Kids in Interrogations - and Get Away With It" you make the following statement about the Reid Technique:
The issue...
New Illinois law prohibits misrepresenting evidence during the interrogation of a juvenile in custody
Jun 14, 2021
The Illinois General Assembly recently passed SB 2122 which states the following:
"An oral, written or sign language confession of a minor, who at the time of the commission of the offense...
False Confessions - The Issues to be Considered
Jun 02, 2021
False Confessions – The Issues to be Considered
In our May/June Investigator's Tip we discuss the primary causes of and contributing factors to false confessions, and the Best Practices to follow...
California Introduces Police Training Bill that reflects The Reid Technique Core Principles
May 24, 2021
California Introduces Police Training Bill that reflects The Reid Technique Core Principles
Sen. Bill Dodd, D-Napa, introduced legislation in the California state legislature that would help train law enforcement officers in their...
Response to Professor Laura Nirider and Director Lauren Kaeseberg’s Chicago Tribune Opinion Piece on whether the police should be allowed to misrepresent evidence to a criminal suspect
Apr 19, 2021
Response to Professor Laura Nirider and Director Lauren Kaeseberg’s Chicago Tribune Opinion Piece on whether the police should be allowed to misrepresent evidence to a criminal suspect
On Friday April 15...
The Value of a Post Confession Interview
Mar 15, 2021
Understanding the offender’s mindset provides insights into the most effective interrogation themes to incorporate in future cases
New Videos on Reid YouTube Channel
Feb 24, 2021
We ave recently posted 3 new videos on our YouTube channel, The Reid Technique Tips.
Clarifying Misrepresentations About Law Enforcement Interrogation TechniquesThe Value of Recording InterrogationsAbout the CompanyIn addition to these new...
Response to Professor Kassin's NY Times Opinion Piece on whether the police should be allowed to misrepresent evidence to a criminal suspect
Feb 01, 2021
On Friday January 29, 2020 Professor Saul Kassin published an opinion piece in the New York Times entitled, It’s Time for Police to Stop Lying to Suspects, in which he recommended the...
The Reid Technique for Human Trafficking Investigations
Jan 20, 2021
The Reid Technique for Human Trafficking Investigations…here are a few details:
In this new 75 minute online video training program, which includes a printable study guide, key elements of the Reid Technique...
Factors to consider in determining custody
Jan 11, 2021
Attorney James Manak prepared an article for John E. Reid and Associates in which he discusses several court decisions which addressed the issue of what are the proper factors to consider in...
Interrogation Themes for Anarchists
Jan 11, 2021
The anarchist is one who uses violent means to overthrow the established order rebelling against authority or the ruling party. Unfortunately, during 2020, we have seen these crimes increase exponentially.
...The Norfolk Four
Jan 11, 2021
The Sun newspaper printed an article on October 6, 2020: “Shocking case of four Navy sailors wrongly convicted of rape & murder shows anyone can be forced to falsely confess” in which...
The Reid Technique for Pre-Employment Interviewing Strategies – a new online video training program
Jan 11, 2021
We are excited to announce a new online video training program entitled The Reid Technique for Pre-Employment Interviewing Strategies. The program includes a 20-page Study Guide and an optional exam that you...
Reid Litigation With Netflix Ends
Jan 11, 2021
The following statement is from John E. Reid & Associates (‘Reid’):
Reid sued Netflix for defamation regarding a reference to the Reid Technique of interrogation in the program, When They...
September October 2020 Investigator Tip
Jan 11, 2021
The September/October 2020 Investigator Tip provides you with links to 25 Reid Video Tips that will help you to enhance your interviewing and interrogation (positive persuasion) skills.
Click Here for the Tip.