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Detective erroneously associates sleep deprivation with the Reid Technique
May 19, 2016
In Crafton v. District of Columbia, et. al., Defendants (September 2015) reference is made by the interrogating detective that when questioning the suspect, Kim Crafton, he connected a “lengthy, grueling 17-hour videotaped...
Not so Fast - the Central Park Jogger case
Aug 14, 2014
As everyone knows the Central Park Jogger case has become a high profile "false confession" case - highlighted by the documentary Ken Burns did about the case.
Not so fast. A...
The Hunting Of Man: Lies, Damn Lies, And Police Interrogations
Jul 15, 2014
Miller W. Shealy, Jr., Associate Professor of Law, Charleston School of Law, has just published an article entitled, The Hunting Of Man: Lies, Damn Lies, And Police Interrogations, in which he discusses...
Arguing for Statewide Uniformity in Recording Custodial Interrogations
May 20, 2014
The American Bar Association has recently published an article by Attorney Thomas Sullivan that discusses the need to establish uniform recording guidelines, Arguing for Statewide Uniformity in Recording Custodial Interrogations. The article...
Attorney Thomas Sullivan list of law enforcement agencies recording interrogations
Mar 31, 2014
For years now Attorney Thomas Sullivan has been collecting information as to which law enforcement agencies are electronically recording their interviews and interrogations. In addition he has prepared a list of states...
New Yorker magazine profiles John E. Reid and Associates
Dec 17, 2013
In the December 9, 2013 issue of New Yorker magazine an article entitled, "The Interview" was published in which the author, Douglass Starr, profiled John E. Reid and Associates. "Today, John E...
Illinois Governor Quinn signs bill expanding recording of police interrogations
Aug 27, 2013
On August 26, 2013 Illinois Governor Quinn signed into law legislation that "expands on legislation passed in 2003 mandating the recording of homicide interrogations. The new requirements will take effect in phases...
Canadian court decisions related to interview, interrogation and confession issues
Jul 25, 2013
For several years now Gino Arcaro has been writing a column for Reid Institute Members that we have posted on our RI Members page about various Canadian court decisions that are related...
Terrorism, Miranda, and Related Matters
Jul 23, 2013
In April of this year, the Congressional Research Service published a document entitled, Terrorism, Miranda, and Related Matters by Charles Doyle, Senior Specialist in American Public Law.
From the Introduction:
Law and Order magazine highlights Reid Interview and Interrogation books
Jul 14, 2013
In the May 2013 issue of Law and Order magazine four Reid books were highlighted
A National Survey of Eyewitness Identification Procedures in Law Enforcement Agencies
Jul 12, 2013
The National Institute of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice in March 2013 published the results of an extensive survey of numerous police agencies on their current eyewitness identification...
The Alameda County (CA) District Attorney's Office has published an outstanding and comprehensive article on Miranda Invocations.
Jul 10, 2013
In their recent newsletter the AELE (American for Effective Law Enforcement) highlighted the Alameda County (CA) District Attorney's publication of an article discussing Miranda invocations
Two very informative fraud articles written by Charles Piper, Reid graduate and Certified in the Reid Technique (CRT)
Jan 09, 2013
Mr. Charles Piper has written two excellent fraud articles for the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners which we are linking to with their permissions:
"10 popular health care provider fraud schemes"...
A Compendium of law relating to the electronic recording of custodial interrogations
Sep 29, 2012
This article, written by Thomas Sullivan and published in the March/April of Judicature, the publication of the American Judicature Society, details the current laws and judicial decisions related to electronic recording of...
NY Times article references John E. Reid and Associates as teaching interview and interrogation techniques consist with court decisions
Feb 27, 2012
In their February 23, 2012 article, "Why Do Innocent People Confess?" in the discussion of false confessions the author points out that John E. Reid and Associates teaches interview and interrogation techniques...
90% of responding agencies who record their interrogations find the recordings to be helpful
Jan 27, 2012
In January 2012 we included a survey question with our emails announcing the location of a Reid seminar - here are the results
Does your organization video or audio...
IACP model policy for recording interrogations
Jan 16, 2012
In an article by Beth Warren entitled, "States move to require recordings of homicide confessions" she reports that eighteen states require police to record interrogations, at least in homicide cases, and she...
The International Investigative Interviewing Research Group founded in 2007
Sep 12, 2011
The International Investigative Interviewing Research Group (iIIRG) was founded at the University of Teesside in collaboration with the Norwegian Police University College, Oslo and later, with the Centre for Forensic Linguistics, Aston...
CONVICTING THE INNOCENT Where Criminal Prosecutions Go Wrong - a new book examining the issue of innocent people being wrongly convicted
Jun 01, 2011
In this new book written by Brandon Garrett, a law professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, explores the circumstances surrounding 250 wrongly convicted individuals exonerated by DNA. In 76%...
Book recognizes John E. Reid and Associates as the leader in interview and interrogation training
Jan 04, 2011
The book, Interrogations, Confessions, and Entrapment, Volume 20, by G. Daniel Lassiter, contains the following:
"...to be sure, many urban police have received general instruction in interrogation methods and the law...