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Current Update
The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique
Oct 20, 2021
In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...
Previous Updates
CBC story on The Reid Technique
Sep 29, 2012
The Canadian Broadcasting Company recently did an 18 minute report on interrogation practices - specifically the Reid Technique - called Truth, Lies and Confessions. The report is very negative about the Reid...
Canadian Judge finds interrogation process to be 'oppressive' - mislabels as The Reid Technique
Sep 20, 2012
Earlier this month a lower court judge in Alberta, Canada in the case R. v. Chapple, found that a confession obtained after an 8 hour interrogation was inadmissible because the interrogation process...
New Review of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, Fifth Edition
Aug 02, 2012
The recently published Fifth Edition of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, by the late Fred E. Inbau, the late John E. Reid, Joseph P. Buckley, and Brian C. Jayne, was reviewed for the...
Legal Updates Summer 2012
Aug 01, 2012
In our Legal Updates Summer 2012 column we feature cases that address the following issues: "I've given you what I'm gonna give you." "[I] "ain't saying nothing no more" Do these statements...
New Canadian legal column available for Reid Institute members
Jul 01, 2012
Attack on Reid technique fails. Failed attempt to prove a false confession.
R. v. Pearce (2012) MBQB[1]
By Gino Arcaro M.Ed., B.Sc.
I. Introduction
Picture this...
Expert witness testifies that the frequency of false confessions is one hundredth of one percent.
May 30, 2012
In the murder trial of Adrian Thomas in Troy, New York, the prosecution's expert witness at the Frye hearing, Professor Paul Cassell, conclusively opined thataccording to FBI figures, there are 900,000 arrests...
84% of surveyed participants rate the Reid seminar better than any other training that they received on interview and interrogation techniques
May 30, 2012
84% of surveyed participants rate the Reid seminar better than any other training that they received on interview and interrogation techniques
In April 2012 we included the following survey question in...
Example of how false confession experts misrepresent the Reid Technique - Dr. Solomon Fulero
May 14, 2012
In the case State v. Wright (Jan. 2012) Dr. Solomon Fulero, Professor of Psychology at Sinclair College, offered testimony about the Reid Technique - his testimony (quoted below) provides a perfect example...
Miranda: Admissibility of Expert Testimony on False Confessions; Failure of Expert To Offer Case and Fact-Specific Basis for His Expert Testimony; Exclusion of Pro-Offered Expert Testimony; Dr. Ofshe <i>People v. Bedessie</i>, No. 46 (N.Y. Court of
May 06, 2012
Attorney James Manak writes a monthly legal column for our Reid Institute Members - the heading above is the focus of his April 2012 column - because it deals with how the...
Three new articles on Canadian cases posted on the Reid Institute Members page
May 01, 2012
We have posted three new articles by Gino Arcaro discussing Canadian interrogation cases on our Reid Institute Members What's New page:"Confession at gunpoint: The chain of events affecting admissibility""The balance of power...
New Canadian Column
May 01, 2012
Offer of help may jeopardize confession admissibility
R. v. Gilbertson (2012) BCSC[1] 20-04-12
Gino Arcaro M.Ed., B.Sc.
Part I - Editorial
As business owner, I find this...
Criminal Interrogation and Confessions 5th edition now available as an e-book. Save 40%.
Apr 30, 2012
The publisher of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, 5th edition, has now made the leading text in the field of interviewing and interrogation available as an e-book for the remarkable price of $74.9...
Legal Updates Spring 2012
Apr 18, 2012
In our Legal Updates Spring 2012 column we feature cases that address the following issues:Defendant does not have to actually speak to invoke the right to remain silentStatement to suspect that he...
NY's top court rejects appeal of confession (Rejects Dr.Ofshe testimony of false confessions)
Apr 02, 2012
Associated press
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) - New York's top court on Thursday upheld the child rape conviction of a Queens woman who said her confession was coerced by...
Confession at gunpoint: The chain of events affecting admissibility.
Apr 01, 2012
By Gino Arcaro M.Ed., B.Sc.
I. Reality
The world of frontline policing will not always guarantee peaceful conditions to question a suspect. During life-and-death emergencies, the police will need to...
Misrepresentations made about the Reid Technique - the correct information
Mar 11, 2012
Over the years a number of misrepresentations and statements containing misinformation have been made about The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation by "false confession experts," academicians and the media. We have...
New Canadian column for Reid Institute Members: The balance of power: close the "Sophistication Gap."
Mar 01, 2012
by Gino Arcaro M.Ed., B.Sc.
R. v. Tshitenge Masuku (2011)
Experience versus inexperience. The balance of power with respect to an interrogator and a suspect has become one of...
NY Times article references John E. Reid and Associates as teaching interview and interrogation techniques consist with court decisions
Feb 27, 2012
In their February 23, 2012 article, "Why Do Innocent People Confess?" in the discussion of false confessions the author points out that John E. Reid and Associates teaches interview and interrogation techniques...
Supreme Court says prison inmates don't have to be read rights in different investigations
Feb 22, 2012
By Associated Press, Updated: Tuesday, February 21, 10:15 AM
WASHINGTON -- The Supreme Court said Tuesday investigators don't have to read Miranda rights to inmates during jailhouse interrogations about crimes unrelated...
Detection of Deception Research - Why Academic Studies Yield Such Poor Results
Feb 08, 2012
Most defense experts who testify on the issue of false confessions state that law enforcement investigators interrogate people whom they believe are lying to them based on the behavior that they displayed...