New Review of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, Fifth Edition
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Aug 02, 2012

This valuable resource is a "must have" for those who engage in investigative interviews and interrogations. While it contains advanced material for the experienced investigator, it is also a valuable and ready resource for the beginner in the profession. Well organized and well indexed, the publication walks the reader through the verbal, nonverbal, and behavioral aspects of investigative interviews and interrogations....this publication should be on the desk or nearby shelf for every security or law enforcement professional engaged in investigations.
Read the full review from Security Management magazine.
Kevin D. Eack is a former FBI Special Agent, former Illinois state prosecutor, and former member of the Illinois State Police. With a total of 28 years in law enforcement, and a significant level of experience as an investigative senior executive, Kevin is presently the chair of ASIS International's Council on Global Terrorism, Political Instability and International Crime.
About the book:
Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, Fifth Edition presents the Reid Technique of interviewing and interrogation and is the standard used in the field. The updated Fifth Edition presents interviewing and interrogation techniques, based on actual criminal cases, which have been used successfully by thousands of criminal investigators. This practical text is built around simple psychological principles and examines interrogation as a nine-step process that is easily understood by the reader.