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Current Update

The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique

Oct 20, 2021

In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...

Previous Updates

Massachusetts Supreme Court Decision Provides for Special Jury Instruction When Interrogation is not Videotaped - Discusses Use of Trickery and Deceit

Mar 14, 2005

In the case of Com. v. DiGiambattista, 813 N.E.2d 516 (2004), the Massachusetts Supreme Court stated that "... when the prosecution introduces evidence of a defendant's confession or statement that is the...

Report on the Electronic Recording of Police Interrogations from the ABA and the New York County Lawyers' Association

Jan 27, 2005

A joint report by the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section and the New York County Lawyers' Association on the electronic recording of police interrogations has been published.

New Jersey Attorney General Makes Policy Statement on Electronically Recording Confessions in Criminal Cases

Jan 25, 2005

In January, 2005 the New Jersey Attorney General, Peter Harvey, "expanded and made permanent a policy directing departments and prosecutors to electronically record confessions in criminal cases."

Massachusetts Supreme Court Decision Provides for Special Jury Instruction When Interrogation is not Videotaped

Jan 25, 2005

In the case of Com. v. DiGiambattista, 813 N.E.2d 516 (2004), the Massachusetts Supreme Court stated that "... when the prosecution introduces evidence of a defendant's confession or statement that is the...

Detective Solves First Degree Felony Murder (Physical Abuse on a Child Resulting in Death) Using the Reid Technique

Dec 28, 2004

My name is Victor Lauria and I am a detective with the City of Novi Police Department. Novi is a suburb of Detroit Michigan. I have been a police officer for over...

Reid in Europe

Oct 28, 2004

Earlier this year Reid and Associates conducted a very successful training seminar in the Czech Republic for the 650th MI Group in conjunction with the Ministry of Defense. Just last week we...

John E. Reid and Associates, Inc awarded Federal Supply Schedule from GSA

Sep 26, 2004

John E. Reid and Associates, Inc awarded Federal Supply Schedule from GSA

The General Services Administration awarded a Federal Supply Schedule contract to John E. Reid and Associates, Inc. effective...

New York Law Journal

Sep 24, 2004

This case offers a careful and well reasoned discussion by the Court of the following issues in which they uphold the admissibility of statements made by the defendant during an interview/interrogation in...

18 out of 23 arson cases solved by the Mentor Fire Dept. with The Reid Technique

Sep 17, 2004

Investigator Joe Vanek has advised us a the success the Mentor Fire Department has had using The Reid Technique.

Law & Psychiatry: Mental Illness, Police Interrogations, and the Potential for False Confession

Sep 10, 2004

This article discusses mental illness, police interrogations and the potential for false confessions.

National Labor Relations Board Overturns earlier decision in Epilepsy Foundation case: non-unionized workers not entitled to representation at disciplinary interview

Sep 08, 2004

The sole issue in this case is whether the Respondent, whose employees are not represented by a union, violated Section 8(a)(1) of the Act by denying the Charging PartiesÇ requests to have...

Court rejects testimony from officer trained in The Reid Technique re deceptive behavior of the defendant

Aug 21, 2004

In the case of Washington v. Barr (August 3, 2004) the Washington Court of Appeals found that the testimony by a police officer that in his opinion the behavior of the defendant...

New Abridged edition of Criminal Interrogation and Confessions Book Available

Aug 09, 2004

Hundreds of thousands of investigators have received training in the Reid TechniqueÆ and used the text, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions

Essentials of the Reid Technique teaches readers how to spot and...

U.S. Supreme Court June 2004 decision references our book and firm as teaching the proper way to comply with Miranda

Jul 07, 2004

A basic tenet of the Reid Technique, as taught by John E. Reid and Associates, is that a custodial suspect must be advised of his rights prior to any questioning about a...

Police Experiences with Recording Custodial Interrogations

Jun 17, 2004

Former U. S. Attorney Thomas Sullivan has authored a study entitled 'Police Experiences with recording Custodial Interrogation'. In this study, the author describes the benefits of video recording interrogations as reported by...

New Jersey Court finds Confession Inadmissible - cites our book Criminal Interrogation and Confessions

Jun 17, 2004

In the case of State v. Knight (June 7, 2004) the New Jersey Appellate Court found that the trial court erred in admitting the defendant's confession. In their opinion the Appellate Court...

New Court Decision on The Reid Technique

May 21, 2004

In the case of State v. Myers 2004 WL 1080013 S.C.,2004. decided May 11, 2004, the Supreme Court of South Carolina upheld the admissibility of a confession by investigators utilizing The Reid...

New Jersey Supreme Court Examines the Need to Electronically Record Interrogations

May 21, 2004

In the case State v. Cook 2004 WL 1040375 N.J.,2004, decided May 10, 2004 the New Jersey Supreme Court upheld the admissibility of the defendant's confession, but indicated that "as part of...

New Study on Personality Types Re False Confessions

May 11, 2004

Dr. Gisli Gudjonsson, from the Institute of Psychiatry, UK, (who has published extensively re the phenomena of false confessions), has recently published some new research on the topic of personality and false...

What do the Courts say about The Reid Technique?

Apr 30, 2004

Over the past 20 years The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation has become the standard for proper interviewing and interrogation procedures throughout the country. Thousands of law enforcement, government and private...