What's New
Latest information from Reid and other industry news
Current Update
The High Value Detaniee Group research confirms the core principles of the Reid Technique
Oct 20, 2021
In his article, “Law Enforcement Has Been Interrogating Incorrectly. Science Reveals a Better Way”, (October 19, 2021) he reports that the High Value Detainee Interrogation Group (Meissner, Surmon-Bohr, Oleszkiewicz and Alison) criticized...
Previous Updates
Certification in The Reid Technique Enhances Career Opportunities
May 11, 2006
In a survey of Police Chiefs and Corporate Security Directors (updated 5/10/06) they overwhelmingly indicated that they would be more inclined to hire and promote an individual who was Certified in The...
New Book now Available:
May 08, 2006
One of our Senior Instructors, David Buckley, has written a book which details the interviewing and interrogation techniques that will serve to improve every investigator's success in resolving child abuse investigations.
Canadian Law May Column - The Oickle Derivatives - Part 2
May 01, 2006
Overbearing Interrogation and Temporary Disclosure ñ R. v. Fattah (2006)[1]
An interrogation has two goals: (i) prevent a Charter violation and (ii) prevent involuntariness. Strategic planning must focus on the common...
Canadian Law May Column - The Oickle Derivatives - Part 3
May 01, 2006
Recommendations for Post 9/11 Border Interrogations ñ R. v. Panton (2005)
The events of September 11, 2001, changed border security. The post-9/11 era coincides with the post-Oickle era. An Ontario Superior...
Distinguishing Between True and False Confessions
Apr 01, 2006
One of the Chapters in our book, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, is entitled "Distinguishing Between True and False Confessions". In an effort to make this information available to all interested parties we...
Canadian Law April Column - The Oickle Derivatives - Part 1
Apr 01, 2006
The full effect of the Supreme Court of Canada transformational decisions in R. v. Oickle (2000)[1] will not be realized for several more years. However, their influence on interrogation practices, since 200...
Research Suggests False Confessions are Extremely Rare
Mar 10, 2006
In a recent publication (2005) one author reported the following: "However, using national estimates of interrogations, arrests, convictions, and error rates of wrongful convictions resulting from false confessions range from a low...
Study of False Confession Cases Confirms Reid Position
Mar 01, 2006
False confessions are a rare phenomena, but they have occurred. One of the interrogation techniques that the United States Supreme Court has sanctioned is the verbal misrepresentation of evidence to a suspect...
Wisconsin Supreme Court decision
Feb 06, 2006
In the case of State of Wisconsin v. Jerrell C.J., July 2005 the Wisconsin Supreme Court found that: juvenile's written confession to police was not voluntarily given; following the arrest of a...
Canadian Law February Column
Feb 03, 2006
A reminder to all Reid Institute Members, we have posted part three of Gino Arcaro's January column as well as his new February column on Canadian law on our Members' What's New...
New Links
Jan 16, 2006
We have added two new links to our web page - the first provides a list of terrorist groups listed by the State Department, 2004 (click here) and a research site regarding...
Important Cases
Jan 10, 2006
We have listed dozens of cases in which the courts have addressed the issue of lying to the suspect about evidence (click here) and other trickery and deceit issues (click here).
New Reid Product
Dec 12, 2005
We now have available a new product package - the Reid Resource Pack. This package includes three books: The Essentials of The Reid Technique; Anatomy of Theme Development; and, Electronic Recording of...
New Jersey Supreme Court Requires Police to Electronically Record Interrogations
Dec 01, 2005
In October, 2005 the New Jersey Supreme Court issued a new set of rules which will require police agencies to electronically record homicide interrogations beginning in January 2006. This requirement will expand...
New Column
Nov 16, 2005
In the Reid Institute Members Only page (in the What's New column) we will be adding a new monthly feature - a column by Gino Arcaro, B.Sc., M.Ed. on Canadian law and...
Iraq Interrogators Wanted
Sep 27, 2005
Iraq Interrogators Wanted
Centurum Information Operations, in conjunction with L3 Communications GSI, is recruiting Interrogators for high paying jobs supporting the Multi-National Forces, Iraq. All positions are in Iraq. If...
<u>Essentials of The Reid Technique</u> reviewed by <i> Security Management</i> magazine
Jun 24, 2005
In the June 2005 issue of Security Management magazine, published by ASIS International, there was a review of one of our new books on The Reid Technique
Two new Reid books available
Jun 24, 2005
By Louis C. Senese
The most difficult aspect of any interrogation is the proper selection and development of interrogation themes. Theme development is essentially a persuasive technique...
New Research on False Confessions
Jun 24, 2005
An analysis of false confessions from individuals exonnerted by DNA evidence indicates that the factors common to these false confessions were illegal police interrogation tactics and suspects who were classified as "sub-normal"...
Jury Rejects Richard Ofshe Testimony in Employee Theft Prosecution
Mar 29, 2005
In the case The People v. Amy Marie Garvin, Court of Appeal, Sixth District, California. Feb. 10, 2005 the defense offered expert testimony from Dr. Richard Ofshe who testified that "a poorly...